Monday, June 14, 2010

Using Eclipse WTP for SOAP based Web Services

I have started using Apache Axis2 as a standard engine for SOAP based web-services. To make my job easy(super easy) I am utilizing the WTP project for Eclipse IDE.
While I am still at a learning stage, I came across this tutorial that gave me a good understanding of the platform and explained on a quick example of building and deploying a SOAP based web-service. It also created a small test client for the Axis2 web service runtime.

I had a couple of issues while setting up the service, few libraries were missing and an entry in the web.xml had to be changed. Here are my notes:
1. If the server throws NoClassDef error for "AxisAdminServlet", go to web.xml and change the entry to point to org.apache.axis2.webapp.AxisAdminServlet.
2. You need to add httpcore-x.x.jar, XMLBean's jars and JAX-WS's jars if they are not already present in your CLASSPATH.

To create a Axis web service runtime, you can follow this tutorial.

Notice the difference in the stub and skeleton classes that both the runtimes create.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Passing Objects in Javascript methods

I recently came across a requirement where I needed to call Javascript methods embedded in a flash module. The flash module was a chart from Fusion charts, and I wanted to perform certain client side actions when user clicked on these charts. Based on certain conditions and where the user clicked, I had to vary the number of parameters I pass to the javascript method.
I was looking for possible solutions and I figured out that the best way to achieve this was passing JSON objects as parameters. Here is how i did it:


Note: I needed to escape single quote(') with %26apos; and double quotes(") with \". One can also use ' for single quote, and \x22 for double.

This approach of using JSON to pass variable number of parameters can be used in a variety of ways and keeps the method signature consistent.

This works for me, in case you have a better solution, please do write a comment.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ext 2.2 RadioGroup getValue()/setValue()

There seems to be issues with the getValue() and setValue() methods of the Ext.form.RadioGroup class in the 2.2 API version. The methods do not seem to work the way they are supposed to. If you have to use these methods, you need to override them. Here's the override script and some sample code on how to use the RadioGroup class.

Override code:
Ext.override(Ext.form.RadioGroup, {
  getName: function(){
    return this.items.first().name;
  getValue: function(){
    var v;
    if (this.rendered) {
      if (!item.getValue())
        return true;
      v = item.getRawValue();
      return false;
    else {
      for (var k in this.items) {
        if (this.items[k].checked) {
          v = this.items[k].inputValue;
    return v;
  setValue: function(v){
    if (this.rendered){
        item.setValue(item.getRawValue() == v);
    else {
      for (var k in this.items) {
        this.items[k].checked = this.items[k].inputValue == v;

  xtype: 'radiogroup',
  fieldLabel: 'Male/Female',
  items: [
    {boxLabel: 'Male', name: 'gender', inputValue: 1},
    {boxLabel: 'Female', name: 'gender' ,inputValue: 2, checked: true}


Hope it helps!!