While I am still at a learning stage, I came across this tutorial that gave me a good understanding of the platform and explained on a quick example of building and deploying a SOAP based web-service. It also created a small test client for the Axis2 web service runtime.
I had a couple of issues while setting up the service, few libraries were missing and an entry in the web.xml had to be changed. Here are my notes:
1. If the server throws NoClassDef error for "AxisAdminServlet", go to web.xml and change the
2. You need to add httpcore-x.x.jar, XMLBean's jars and JAX-WS's jars if they are not already present in your CLASSPATH.
To create a Axis web service runtime, you can follow this tutorial.
Notice the difference in the stub and skeleton classes that both the runtimes create.
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